My most recent disappointment was my application for a PhD scholarship within the University of Sunderland's Glass and Ceramics Department. Although on the positive side (always the optimist) apparently I was a really really close second.
The working title for my proposal was Transmission, reflection and emission of light through flat glass - the artistic application of coatings on glass and the manipulation of the glass surface to alter translucency and reflectivity. The aim of the research was to find new artistic possibilities within architectural glass resulting from new and emerging technologies in the field of coatings on glass. I was hoping to be able to do a survey of new and recent developments within the architectural flat glass industry, explore the possibilities for artistic application of these and produce a body of artwork.
Saint Gobain Glass UK, with whom I have been developing a relationship over the last nine months or so had agreed to support my research in principle, pending further discussions about the nature of the research and what exactly I would need. The main feedback from my interview was that the panel were concerned about the links with industry that would be required to make my research a success, and were worried that it would collapse if my industry links fell through. I did get some very positive encouragement however, in particular regarding the links I have made with industry so far and the quality of my proposal.

So all in all, although it's disappointing to be turned down, and frustrating to spend a lot of time and energy on something that doesn't come to fruition, I think I proved my competence and solidified my reputation in the department. And there's always next year. So now I have a year to solidify my links with Saint Gobain Glass UK, make new connections and maybe submit a stronger proposal next year. Watch this space....